Shoe Fund Drive

According to a press release the Scott County Rotary Club kicked off its fundraising efforts for the 34th annual Shoe Fund Drive at the end of October.The Shoe Fund Drive started in 1989, a year after the club was chartered. The group began by collecting loose change from its members at regular meetings to buy … Read more

Duck Donuts Grand Opening Saturday

Business news today. Popular donut franchise Duck Donuts will open in Bristol, Tennessee at the Pinnacle. A grand opening celebration is planned for this Saturday at 7am at 424 Pinnacle Parkway in the Plaza Shops. The first guest in line will get a free dozen donuts every month for one year. The next 50 guests … Read more

Halloween Fun In Bristol

Halloween is Tuesday, and residents in Bristol kicked off the fun with a full day of Halloween festivities. On Saturday, it was Pumpkin Palooza at the State Street Farmers Market, followed by a trick-or-treating with Downtown Bristol businesses. The City of Bristol Virginia hosted its annual costume contest in Cumberland Park. And, the two Bristols … Read more

No Trash November

It’s No Trash November in Tennessee, and the rangers at Lamar Alexander Rocky Fork State Park in Flag Pond are getting into the spirit with a Rocky Fork Cleanup on Sunday, Nov. 5. Volunteers should meet Rocky Fork Park Ranger Cory Franklin at the Campfire Interpretive Area at 2 p.m. for this two-hour event. Plans … Read more

Careful Burning

As leaves begin falling across the region, some residents are turning to burning leaves as a method of disposal. Area firefighters are advising residents to use common sense methods when cleaning debris. They say keep fires small and be prepared with a source of water nearby. With dry weather a breeze can blow embers causing … Read more

Chad Moore Named Principal of North Side Elementary

Johnson City Schools has named Chad Moore the new principal of North Side Elementary. Johnson City Schools say that former principal, Dr. Allecia Frizzell, is joining Central Office to serve as the Special Education director. Moore was most recently the assistant principal at Fairmont Elementary, with a three-month-long stint as interim principal at Cherokee Elementary.

E. coli Bacteria Outbreak From Fairground Animal Exhibit Grows

A ecoli bacteria outbreak affecting young students that began in late September has grown. Health officials in Johnson City report an 8th patient from the late September animal event at the Appalachian Fairgrounds has come down with serious symptoms. Several groups of elementary school students traveled to the fairgrounds in Gray on September 25th and … Read more

Local Family Shows Off 751 lb. Pumpkin

A local family decided to show off their massive pumpkin at the Target parking lot off East Stone Drive on Saturday. Roy Moody entered the gourd in the Plumpest Pumpkin contest at the Marion Farmers Market in Marion, Virginia, taking home the top prize. The massive pumpkin weighed in at 751 pounds.

27 Cremated Remains Buried In Kingsport

The cremated remains of 27 people were buried at the Immanuel Lutheran Church cemetery on Saturday. The annual service provides a respectful burial members of the community who had no other arrangements. The Lutheran church partners with Shades of Grace United Methodist and Trinity Memorial Centers to honor the deceased.