Multi-Million-Dollar Investment Brings Jobs To Piney Flatts

A multi-million-dollar investment by a heating technology developer is expected to bring more than 100 new jobs to Piney Flats. Stone Mountain Technologies (SMTI) will invest $13.9 million to establish manufacturing operations there. SMTI plans to launch production of “high efficiency gas-fired heat pumps” through its future operations at the facility.

Bank Robbery Suspect Identified

The Johnson City Police Department (JCPD) and the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) are asking for the public’s help in finding the suspect of a Nov. 6 bank robbery. Authorities say Brent Anthony Holland, is the man involved in the Truist Bank robbery on Nov. 6. In addition to the Johnson City bank robbery, Holland … Read more

Crash On I-16 Kills One

The Johnson City Police Department (JCPD) is investigating after a crash on Interstate 26 West. The crash occurred near mile marker 17 when Darrell Clark and some of his family members were working on his disabled Ford F-150 pickup truck on the shoulder of the interstate when a Mazda 3 heading west hit the truck … Read more

Recycling Center Planned In Kingsport

Plans for the largest material-to-material recycling center in the world have been released by Eastman Chemical Company. The $2 billion plant is scheduled for completion by the end of this year and the plastics that will be shredded and refined into new products will come from Food City customers. The grocery store chain plans to … Read more

Crashes Tie Up I-26

A multi-vehicle crash in Johnson City closed lanes on Interstate 26 East Tuesday, and another closed one westbound lane closed in Boones Creek. The first crash occurred near mile marker 21 near North Roan Street eastboiund. The second crash occured near mile marker 17 in the westbound lanes. Heavy traffic was reported as a result … Read more

Woman Arrested For Bringing Drugs Into Prison

Suspected drugs were seized from a woman who allegedly tried to bring them into Red Onion State Prison in Wise County, VA. Investigators with the Wise County Sheriff’s Office questioned the suspect, who admitted to having drugs in her possession. The woman reportedly gave authorities a “small package concealed within her body” and was taken … Read more

Lots Of Fokls To Hit The Roads This Thanksgiving

AAA says 1.3 million Tennesseans are expected to travel over Thanksgiving weekend. In a release from AAA the club says 1.25 million people will travel by car, and 39,676 by air. Tennessee drivers are paying on average $2.66 per gallon for gas. Last Thanksgiving it was $3.16 a gallon.

Greenville Men Arrested After Sex Crimes Investigation

Two Greeneville men are facing several sexual exploitation of a minor charges. The Greene County Sheriff’s Department says Anthony Charles Roe, 24, and Paul Mauney, 56, both of Greeneville, were arrested after separate Internet Crimes Against Children investigations. A Greene County Grand Jury returned an indictment for 28 counts of sexual exploitation of a minor, … Read more

Pedestrian Killed In Smyth County

A pedestrian has died after being hit by a vehicle in Smyth County. The man, Richard Hamm, 25, was hit by a vehicle in the area of 5860 Lee Highway in the Atkins section of the county. Hamm was taken to the Johnson City Medical Center, where he later died as a result of the … Read more