Stop Soldier Suicide

ETSU’s Army ROTC program is hosting a series of endurance challenges to honor veterans and fight service member suicide on the 20th anniversary of the September 11 terror attacks. You can choose between a 5k run/walk and a 10k Ruck where marchers carry 35 or more pounds on their back.Signup is $30 per person for … Read more

Abingdon Food Boxes

Feeding Southwest Virginia is distributing additional boxes of food to those in need in Abingdon today.The food bank says the additional boxes will be given out when people pick up their hot meals from the Home Harvest Community Kitchen, which is located at the Abingdon Distribution Center, 21452 Gravel Lake Road.

Johnson City Vandalism

The Johnson City Police Department (JCPD) is searching for a group of people responsible for thousands of dollars of vandalism damage in the downtown area from August 18-29.JCPD said there have been around 20 reported cases of vandalism that have affected area businesses.According to JCPD, graffiti has been painted on several buildings throughout the city, … Read more

Sinking Creek Road Closed

Sinking Creek Road in Johnson City is now closed to through traffic beginning while crews replace the bridge at Miller Lane.Emergency traffic will not be able to pass. Property owners to the east of the work site at Miller Lane will be granted western access along the east side of Sinking Creek Road.Property owners on … Read more

TN Educator Of The Year

And now a Johnson City educator has been named Tennessee’s teacher of the year. The Tennessee Department of Education announced Tuesday that Morgan Rankin is the 2021-22 teacher of the year.Rankin is a second grade teacher at South Side School, Rankin has been teaching for 14 years, including seven years in Tennessee. She is also … Read more

Woman Into Tree Twice

An unusuall case, an Elizabethton woman has been arrested on several charges, including two felonies, after police say she intentionally drove into a tree with two passengers in the vehicle.A report from the Johnson City Police Department states that Jennifer Faye Galliher drove into a tree, bringing the vehicle to a complete stop.When the crash … Read more

Uncoi Apple Festival

It’s a go! After safety concerns were raised Erwin leaders approved the 44th annual Unicoi County Apple Festival at Tuesday night’s board of mayor and alderman meeting.The board voted 5-1 to allow street closings for the festival, and festival organizers plan to include safety protocols throughout the festival.The apple fesitval will take place on October … Read more

Remote Instruction Waiver

Tennessee’s education commissioner says classrooms and schools facing a surge in COVID-19 cases and quarantines can request a temporary shift to remote instruction if their districts can show a need. In a refent letter Tennessee Department of Education Commissioner Peggy Schwinn said that while she remains committed to in-person instruction, schools and classrooms can now … Read more

TN Schools Masks

There are differing opinions as the Education Department has announced that it’s investigating five Republican-led states with universal mask bans, saying the policies could amount to discrimination against students with disabilities or health conditions.The department’s Office for Civil Rights sent letters to education chiefs in Iowa, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Utah. Those states have … Read more

Medication Business Re-Opens

Able to meet the demand for amoxicillin across the country, USAntibiotics reopened its manufacturing facility in Bristol, Tennessee, Monday after it went into bankruptcy in 2020. This marks the first time the facility is under American ownership.The company is the only licensed American maker of penicillin-based Amoxicillin and Amoxil Clavulanate.The 360,000-square foot facility will be … Read more